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Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy yoga classes - Focus on specific stretches & exercises to benefit the pregnant mother & baby within. Incorporating prenatal yoga postures and sequences perfect for relaxing and opening the body in pregnancy and labour. Including birth positions, breath techniques along with pelvic floor awareness. Learn supportive and strengthening practices along with deep relaxation. A wonderful experience helping to manage and alleviate Pre-natal symptoms/discomfort, aid labour and promote health and wellbeing.

Mum & Baby Yoga

These classes combine postnatal strengthening for mum, hip & shoulder opening practices, lifts, carries and holds for baby. There are fun interactive exercises for both. The sessions will include plenty of time for feeding, changing, breathing & relaxation. The class can boost energy, relieve stress and anxiety. Promotes relaxation and restful sleep, helping healing after labour & childbirth, to manage the physical stresses of motherhood and relieve common ailments e.g. back pain, shoulder, breast & neck ache. The class gives time to connect with one’s baby and other mums. Babies circulatory, respiratory as well as digestive systems are boosted, helping to relieve constipation, colic and irritability.

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